Profiler Training Courses

We want to thank Control Valve Services Ltd for sending another group to our facility to participate in our automatic control valve diagnostic training course.

Companies that provide valve repair services to their customers and routinely train their personnel and new hires grow their service and repair businesses much faster than their competition.

Valve diagnostics are becoming increasingly important for valve manufacturers and valve repair facilities and are crucial to your customer’s lifecycle management programs. The data generated by the Profiler system is vital in determining deterioration within the valve that impedes performance and ultimately impacts plant processes and products.
SofTek Engineering’s training courses receive exceptional reviews from our customers who participate. All of our training is hands-on, yielding the best information retention and overall understanding of our test systems.

Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Contact us today for more information about the Profiler family of diagnostic test systems (automatic control, block, and safety relief valves) and our training course availability.